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AI at Work: Experience You is Democratizing our Future Workforce

Written by Participate | 8/10/23 7:57 PM

In mid-July, the Participate team was thrilled to be an open recognition advisor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce T3 Innovation Network’s Experience You demonstration in Washington, DC.  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Learning & Employment Records (LER) innovators, led by our partners Education Design Lab, came together to demonstrate the capabilities of cutting-edge technologies to unlock the power of unstructured learning and employment data by converting it into structured, machine-readable formats (LERs) — a huge leap to ensure the workforce of tomorrow can be a reality.

Leaders representing organizations working on three specific workforce use cases showcased how they could leverage AI tools to generate meaningful digital records in the form of LERs that will allow for greater adoption and scale.

Why is this meaningful?

At the heart of Experience You's mission is the commitment to resolve critical issues related to digital trust models, tools for verification and the building of credentials that hold present and future value in our learning to employment ecosystem. LERs hold the potential to not only facilitate a skills-based economy, but also contribute to efforts aimed at addressing our nation’s social and economic equity gaps.

Creating Job Pathways for 2.3 million Incarcerated Americans

People who are incarcerated have learning and employment experience skills, knowledge and interest that may be unrecognized and unverified. Post release, people return home face steep barriers for employment and skill recognition.

Led by Participate partners from Workbay and the California State University Dominguez Hills Workforce Integration Network, Participate CLO Julie Keane demonstrated our progress on LERs and verifiable credentials to structure pathways for the 2.3 million incarcerated Americans to gain meaningful employment upon release.

“I'm happy to represent the open recognition communities of practice that came together to truly operationalize some open recognition principles — primarily making recognition of skills visible and actionable, wherever those skills are acquired, promoting the right of individuals and communities to name their skills and competencies,” said Keane. 

We invite you to watch the full Experience You Demonstration video, or even skip to Krystal Rawls introducing our presentation.